The Zoo that is Market Research #MRA_AC #MRX

The 2011 MRA annual conference hasn’t even begun and we’re off to a great start! The National Zoo is just up the street where three MRA attendees have already flagged me down, a 7-eleven for my urgent slurpee attacks, and a park with walking trails out back. I’m already wishing my SO had come along. 😦

The Omni Hotel itself is gorgeous and it has gigantic chandeliers, ballrooms fit for royalty, a lovely garden, a pool being closely monitored by an MRA tweeter, and a bird feeding station being closely monitored by me.  Oh, and there are lots of pubs and restaurants nearby if you’re into that kind of stuff.

Enjoy this slide show of some of the animals at the zoo and the hotel grounds. I’m off to prep for my 3 hour workshop tomorrow, the Mobile Mixed-Mode Research Workshop. If I don’t see you there, be sure to catch up with me during a break. Just leave me a message at the Research Now booth in the tradeshow.

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