It’s Here! Twitterversity is Here! #MRXU

Oh, it’s an exciting day for sure!! Twitterversity has arrived and if you follow the hashtag #MRXU on twitter, you’ll be able to listen in and participate in a day long discussion of market research methods, questions, and answers.

Let’s start things off with a few hints of what you’ll see from me today as a visiting professor.

  • Social media research is the application of traditional research methods to social media data #MRXU
  • Social media research is best performed with a specific objective in mind, just like other types of research. #MRXU
  • Social media research cannot answer every question, but in combination with other methods, can solve many problems. #MRXU

Curious for more? Just follow the hashtag #MRXU on twitter or watch this space as I add just a few of my favourite tweets throughout the day.