Researchers Discover The Sixth Sense #MRX

Polish style pickled cucumber

Image via Wikipedia

Taste, scent, sight, sound, and feelings. There’s five right off the bat.  Researchers cover these five senses quite thoroughly in surveys, focus groups, and social media research.

Do these chips really smell like dill pickle? Are they too salty?  Do they look golden brown? Do they make a satisfying crunch sound when you bite into them? Do they feel greasy?

But what is the sixth sense? It’s not a movie, though that was a pretty awesome movie if I may say so myself.  It’s not talking to the dead nor seeing the future. But, it is kind of like having eyes in the back of your head.

I’ll tell you what the sixth sense is because as a researcher I often use it, though we call it by a different name. The sixth sense is the ability to see meaning in meaningless pieces of random data. The ability to turn disorganization into organization. The ability to see something out of nothing. The ability to analyze where no one has thought to analyze before. What is the sixth sense?

Why, it’s insight, of course.